Hi guys thanks for the answers! 
I have the hardware of the ELETTRONOLO version (Italian)! 
I have two PHILIPS VP-380 but doesn't works well... 
Maledetti Philips......
Help me!
You can only use a Philips VP-380 if your board is mounting a euro/italian version of the game on the eprom.
If they play but not well, most of the time it's only a matter of cleaning the optics. However you have to clean also the internal objective lens and it's not so easy if you haven't done it before and there's a concrete risk of breaking the mechanism.
You could also use a Sony player but in this case you need to change the board eprom and also find a NTSC demodulator board if you are using the HW in a real cabinet (not needed with the Philips LDP since they carry RGB output to the arcade monitor via SCART directly, not available with the Sonys).