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Messages - KinKin

Pages: [1]
Galaxian Theater / Re: Galaxian³ : the wind-breaker
« on: January 18, 2011, 07:33:12 AM »
It is a costume for the staff of 28 person version Galaxian3.
(@EXPO'90 M8774B/GH-28)

At that time, this game was popular.
Therefore, it was necessary to wait for 30 minutes or more.

The staff was three groups.
The staff on the outside is work to arrange the guest.
An indoor staff is an explanation to the guest or work of the game operation.

As for me, the staff doesn't remember the same clothes outdoor and indoor.

Original Web is a person who existed in Namco in old times.
It is a person of the main designer of the dragon spirit.
And subdesigner of Starblade and Galaxian3.

Galaxian Theater / Re: Galaxian Theatre 6 - Repair Help Needed!
« on: December 02, 2010, 09:13:35 AM »
The setting of DIPSW is different from Zolgiar.
Check it.
MasterCPU PCB SW4 No5,6=OFF (Dragoon) / ON (ZOLGEAR)
Slave CPU PCB SW4 No1,2=ON  (Dragoon) / OFF(ZOLGEAR) No5,6=OFF (Dragoon) / ON (ZOLGEAR)

Three personal PCB is same PCB.
As for a red lamp, the system works.
It is not possible only to operate it.
I want you to teach the state of LED of Master-CPU PCB.
If it is normal, LED 16 pieces all lights or it blinks.
Some hints might be able to be taught.

If the system works
There is a possibility when personal PCB and the communications error occur.
This is repaired in many cases by the change of IC56 SN75158 and IC60 SN75157.
Please consult if the change is difficult for myself.

Galaxian Theater / Re: THE RISING OF GOURB on GT-6
« on: November 30, 2009, 10:42:57 AM »
I planned this.
There was two problem in this project.

The controller is not selling it. Therefore, it made it for myself.

The screen is divided with Scan Conveter (SONY DSC-1024).
This converter can convert the NTSC/PAL/RGB/YCbCr signal.
In a word, DVD etc can be seen in GT-6.

Details are the following URL.

Orignal Page(Japanese)

Englsh Page:(Auto translation)

It answers if there is a question.

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