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Messages - bitbitplus

Pages: [1]
Arcade Lifestyle / Re: my mini nintendo donkey kong jr cabinet
« on: December 21, 2017, 01:32:57 PM »
Wow, congrats, that is amazing and you really pay attention to detail! All thumbs up, please share more pics (or a video maybe?).
I have also built a custom tabletop (no kit, just me, a lot of MDF and some power tools) which also uses an old LCD tv.

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: Superully's ELEKTRO Arkade
« on: November 21, 2017, 06:04:42 PM »
Don't worry, this will just up your game from A to A+++ :)
Can't wait to see how that game room will finally turn out!

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: Superully's ELEKTRO Arkade
« on: November 21, 2017, 10:07:19 AM »
Ully, I have seen all episodes and you are doing an awesome job, love your vids, but pleeease put a microphone on this year's xmas wishlist :)
You know one of those pin-em-to-your-shirt things that always picks up the sound no matter where you are in the room.
This would boost your production quality so hard!

Wow Ully, that is a fine looking project you got going on there!
You're doing a great job saving that cab.

Keep up the good work and keep posting pictures.

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