High Score - Are you the best ... around? / Re: Robotron: 2084
« on: April 14, 2016, 09:08:01 PM »
A thread from the dead 
I noticed I hadn't put up my new score on Robotron I got a few weeks back...
Up until then i'd been playing not that well averaging around 1mill each time I had a game..I expected the same with this game but I were to be proved totally wrong...
The game lasted around 7hrs with a score of just over 25million
I wrapped the waves at 256 three times and worked it back up wave 61....I did 'kill' the game off as I were really hungrey and my back was bloody acheing from just standing there for all that time.....
It was on the same settings as last time...
Difficulty....5 (Recommended)
Extra life....25,000
Starting lives...3
It was done on the 'TIEDIE' rom Jrok board hence the score showing up as 25,000,000+ (The original Williams boards 'clock' at 10,000,000)

I noticed I hadn't put up my new score on Robotron I got a few weeks back...
Up until then i'd been playing not that well averaging around 1mill each time I had a game..I expected the same with this game but I were to be proved totally wrong...
The game lasted around 7hrs with a score of just over 25million

I wrapped the waves at 256 three times and worked it back up wave 61....I did 'kill' the game off as I were really hungrey and my back was bloody acheing from just standing there for all that time.....

It was on the same settings as last time...
Difficulty....5 (Recommended)
Extra life....25,000
Starting lives...3
It was done on the 'TIEDIE' rom Jrok board hence the score showing up as 25,000,000+ (The original Williams boards 'clock' at 10,000,000)