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Messages - smarty

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High Score - Are you the best ... around? / Re: Space Zap
« on: June 09, 2015, 08:29:08 PM »
I was impressed with myself when i got 100k after a few plays, but for 200k+you must have some great reactions.

SpaceZap is a great game :)

So, my Pole Position board had been working perfectly for a year since its last repair, it's had regular play every week and in my eyes it wasn't a scary event turning the cab on, expecting the a bad outcome.

A few weeks ago I play a game on the cab entered my initials at the high score page and moved onto another game, 10 minutes later I took a peek at the screen and something had gone wrong... The attract mode scoreboard and the title screen all worked fine, but during the screen showing the cars, the track was missing and the background and clouds we gone :(

Grass tracking instead of GP racing.

All the scores, timings, signs and other cars were present, the track had gone walkabout... After a couple of re-powers and checking of test mode for RAM & ROM failures, I knew the board had thrown its dummy out of the pram and would need some attention.

Test setup for testing.Power and video only at this point.

Well after being on the test rig for a very short time, the image deteriorated even more than when it failed in the cab.

Things getting worse...

To me it looked like the 'Green' video signal in the track elements were now missing, the signs and the cars had notably changed colour.

After some extensive google searching for possible faults I came across one post on KLOV arcade forum saying that if the custom IC's 5L or 6L from the Video PCB are removed, you will get the the exact fault that my board originally had.

I did have a spare Video board that had never been powered on, my first test was to swap the two custom IC's around, luckily they are socketed so that didn't take more than five minutes to find I still had the same problem with them swapped out, it would have been unlikely all four were bad so I moved on to some 'real' fault finding.

Video circuit showing the two Custom IC's mentioned above

With a logic probe, all the input and output signals looked busy pulsing away, signals 'PIC1-4' feed into an 74LS157 Multiplexer at location 8C.

74L157 at location 8C on the Video PCB
With a logic probe I moved through the input signal and everything looked well, moving to the four output signals pin four was stuck low while the other three outputs were pulsing away. I fired up my scope to look that what was coming out of the output pins, and even on the three outputs that were pulsing away, there wasn't much data on the signal and the output on pin four was definitely dead.

I did a quick piggyback test and when fires up the green grass seemed to be back and I could see an outline of the track but it still looked pretty messed up. Anyway, I removed the IC, put a socket in and pressed in a new 74157. With finger crossed I powered the game up and was gladly met with the game fully working again. :)

Pole Position lives again

With the game fully working I did confirm that removing either custom at 5L or 6L will exhibit the same fault my boar had when it failed.

Boom! Thanks for reading, more PP repairs to come in the future. I've got a CPU board to look at, it doesn't boot, and I also have a video board that has a graphic fault in the mountains and clouds.

'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: French ebay and "Le Bon Coin"
« on: April 30, 2015, 12:04:24 PM »
That would be awesome Spectroman !

I'm still in if we can get an EADS route, hope you don't mind Smarty....

Has a deal been done on the Video Flipper? I see the ads still there?

'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: French ebay and "Le Bon Coin"
« on: April 21, 2015, 12:00:56 PM »
Go get it Smarty.....I don't think it will be feasible for me to get it.

We'll I asked the seller about it, don't hold much hope though...

'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: French ebay and "Le Bon Coin"
« on: April 20, 2015, 08:55:32 PM »

That looks Sick! So Cool, would love one of these in my collection next to my French Super Breakout.   :o

Seems to have some of the inner playfield stars visible in the photo so that's a good sign.

I've owned both in the past. Wish I never sold them now. Lol.

Good luck hunting them down.

Wow! You have some great games there and they look in lovely condition. Well done and good luck for the project in the future.

Technical Area / Re: Atari Super Breakout PCB. Back from the dead...
« on: March 15, 2015, 01:20:59 PM »
I've made a small PCB for this 'conversion' in Designspark... maybe someone can use it, see attached.

Very nice! This was tagged to my todo list to learn some pcb design, but seeing as you've already done it  ;D Is it confirmed and tested working? I haven't downloaded the file yet, will take a look now.

My Super Breakout doesn't look too good at the moment...

Does the board pass self test? This would rule out a RAM fault. You need to read pages 3-13 & 3.23 in the manual for explanation of the ball circuit and the schematic. The balls do move vertically so perhaps something in the horizontal positioning. I will offer to do a repair if you just pay for parts & postage each way to UK?

Technical Area / Atari Super Breakout PCB. Back from the dead...
« on: March 14, 2015, 09:59:38 PM »
Well a few weeks back I picked up a new cab, a 1978 European (French Built) Atari Super Breakout. Bought in an unknown condition, it turned out the only faults were with the game board (No surprise there !) and the LED on the Serve button being blown. The photo below shows the cab with my test generator plugged in in need of a good clean.

After confirming all the cab voltages were correct & present, I plugged the game board in to be greeted with a black screen and some very faint horizontal lines running across the screen. To get this running in a test rig I re-used my FireTruck/SuperBug adapter as the pin outs for these games are similar, well the Power and Ground signals to make the logic work are on the same pins. I added a few new links on the adaptor to supply my monitor with Composite along with a few switches for Coin-up, Serve and Test.

Now on my work bench, (AKA the Dining room table) the board gave the same symptoms as in my cab.

First I checked using my logic probe to see what the CPU (6502) was up to. Pin 40 of the CPU is the reset pin, this was constantly pulsing high and low when it should be constantly high after an initial low at power on, from this we know that the CPU is not running the game code from the ROMS.

Next to check was the clock circuit, Pin 37 of the CPU is the clock input, this pin should have a nice clock signal on it but there was only a low signal and no pulse. I then went right back to the start of clock circuit and checked the 12Mhz clock and the circuit where the frequency of this is divided down to the Horizontal & Vertical timings that keep the board running in time.

All the H&V clock signal checked out OK which the took me back to looking closer to the CPU clock input. There are three IC's directly involved in making the clock input for the CPU run. As it turned out all three were faulty. A74LS20 @ A8 had a dead output, this fed into a 74LS174 which had a bad output on pin 12, this connected to a 74LS32 which should provide the CPU clock signal, this output was stuck high with no data pulsing. Once all three were replaced and confirmed as faulty, the clock input was looking good, clock outputs 1&2 also came to life now, address bus and data bus lines were active but something was telling me the pulsing I was seeing was not right compared to what I have been getting used to recently while working on board repairs. The game was still resetting.

Following the path of the Address bus lines there was an IC @ F2 labelled as a 3901 on the Atari schematics, the outputs of this device are the PROM select lines. All 6 used and the for unused output were dead, Not high, not low  but completely dead. Researching what this IC was and where I could source a spare I found very little info other that a post in a pinball newsgroup from 2007. the 3901 was a '1 of 10' decoder and seemed to now be unavailable anywhere, to me this looked like a similar decoder, the 74LS42 which is used in other Atari games I've worked on, the only difference seemed to be the pin out, so I had to make an adapter to convert the 74LS42 pin out to fit how the 3901 was wired on the Super Breakout PCB. I decided to know up a IC socket to socket adapter with wiring to convert the pin out. The finished item is below, it's not pretty and at the time I wasn't quite sure if it would work, but it had to be better than an IC with no working outputs.

Pin converter for 3901 -> 74LS42 one-to-ten decoder

Upon power up we now had some garbage on screen, the CPU was still resetting but I was making progress :) All the other important signals which should make the game run were present but again the way the pulsing looked on my probe made sure something else was still pretty sick on the board.

Messed up screen, system still resetting and not running properly

I next decided to socket and replace the eight 2102 RAMs. I have no way to test these so for now putting new replacements in would hopefully help me get the board working, I'd then be able to test them once the board was working. After swapping these there was no difference to the above screen. I decided to try swapping the CPU with a known worker, my Missile Command PCB now comes to the rescue... After swapping the 6502 over the game comes to life! Watching Attract mode shows the blocks disappearing with no sign the balls.

Game now running with invisible balls!

The game wouldn't start or go into test mode and as mentioned there were no balls in attract mode. The Coin, Start and Test inputs are pass through a 74LS153  @ M8, the output pins from this IC were both stuck high, removing and testing it confirmed it was faulty. After swapping the 153 the game would start and would enter test mode. Test mode gave no errors so things were looking good other than the missing balls.

The three 'balls' video signals are derived from a bank of six 74LS163's, piggy backing two of the six with a known good device made two balls return. These two were removed and replaced, the third ball couldn't be found by piggy backing on another '163 but I used some guesswork and removed the IC I thought was the problem, It did turn out to be faulty and once replaced the game looked like it was fully working. The three '163's (Locations R6, P6 & N6) were tested and confirmed as faulty as shown below.

Tester showing faults on 74LS163

Great balls of Breakout! They're back...

Time to put the board back in the cab an check the controls and sounds. All sound and controls worked great.

Super Breakout Back in the cab & fully working.

The game tested out and plays fine in all three modes. Another classic rises from the dead. :)

I also tested the RAM’s I initially removed in the board once it was working and found that two of them had failed.

Total parts replaced for this repair.

1x 6502 CPU
2x 2101 RAM
1x 9301 counter F2 (Replaced with 74LS42) ROM Selector. All outputs dead.
1x 74LS20 A8 Clock circuit
1x 74LS174 A7 Clock Circuit
1x 74LS32 J8 Clock Circuit
1x 74LS153 M8 Input circuit, Test mode fault.
3x 74LS163 R6, P6, N6 Ball video circuit.

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: New Arrival. French Atari Super Breakout.
« on: March 07, 2015, 01:54:37 PM »
I'm the owner of the 'Breakout' pictured above...

You got it for a good price IIRC. I sse you have a pic of the cab on your site and is Blue on the sides and below the coin door. Is that Paint or original laminate/vinyl? 

A scan of the monitor glass would me most awesome if at all possible in the future  ;D

So did it work then?...

Technical Area / Re: WG 6100 repair logs
« on: March 07, 2015, 12:16:00 PM »
So I fixed yet another 6100 :):)

Well done  :D

I always enjoy reading the effort put in to keep our classics alive, great work!

Arcade Lifestyle / Re: New Arrival. French Atari Super Breakout.
« on: March 01, 2015, 11:24:30 AM »
Thanks for the reply  :)

Ok they maybe not the most beautiful cabs ever, but these are some damn unique and rare Atari machines !!!
extremely cool IMHO, but then I'm an Atari junkie ;);)

Yes they have a certain charm, like bootlegs but this is official, and yeah has to be pretty rare in the scheme of things.

Needless to say that for archiving and the future you should really try and scan or at least do very good photographs of all artwork and cool docs like that monitor sheet inside.....very unique stuff !!!

Haha yes thats the plan. That monitor sheet is cool, it's like they provided the spec for the tube and it was down to the factory to source a compatible chassis to pair up with it. Unfortunately all the small text is pretty much illegible, I'm not sure if the ink has expanded on the paper or if it was always like that, but anyway once i strip the cab I will get scans made up.


Arcade Lifestyle / New Arrival. French Atari Super Breakout.
« on: February 28, 2015, 12:23:56 PM »
Hi Guys,

I had a new cab arrive this week and though I’d show a few photos.  ;D

Some of you guys may have more info on it being a French Atari built, It was bought in an unknown state, but after various tests it only appears to have a game board fault which I’m currently working on. Its made from 100% chipboard which is a shame, theres some slight swelling on the left side by the CP. I'm not sure what the monitor chassis is but it has an audio amplifier onboard, the only wiring in the cab that has been hacked about is the interlock wiring, everything else seems to be original.

Other than needing a deep clean its in great condition. The plan for the next few months is to clean it up and get it sitting next to my other two B&W cabs.

This last image is from the same cab type that was sold on UKVAC a few years back, seems identical to mine other than the fact mine is missing a nice front glass bezel. I’m not sure if this is the standard Atari breakout size, if it is I should be able to get an original replacement.

Did someone say Brown Paint...  ;D

Technical Area / Atari - Return Of The Jedi. PCB Repair.
« on: January 02, 2015, 11:35:09 PM »
Hi guys, I just fixed my ROTJ board tonight, here's a rough log of what went down on my dining room table this evening.  :lol:

I recently acquired an Atari ROTJ PCB in an untested/unknown state. First up I had to make an adapter so It could be wired into my JAMMA test rig.

Upon 1st power up the game loaded and played but had some colour issues with the display and also all the foreground sprites had horizontal line missing from the graphics.

The first photo below show the speeder bike having horizontal lines missing from the graphic, the colours of the trees and the ground also didn't look quite right and seemed to be missing the colour brown.

All text and other graphics seemed to display correctly.

The screen below also showed some colour error (Green hue over complete screen) along with missing lines in the Deathstar graphics.

After spending a fair amount of time using my logic probe to find a faulty IC I didn't really make any headway into the issue. I then decided to put the game into test mode to see if the diagnostics would point me in the direction of the fault. Well the game wouldn't go into test mode and seemed to stick on a Magenta/Pink colour screen when switched into test mode. Not a great help I thought... I decided to read the Manual for the game and sure enough a Magenta screen when set to test mode indicated a fault in the Colour RAM section of circuitry. As it turned out a RAM at location 12R was faulty. Initially I piggyback a new RAM on top of this one and the colours came back but it still wouldn't flip into test mode. So I swapped the IC anyway and on power up the colours now looked good and the board went into test mode.

No green Hue on the screen below now, but the missing line now quite visible.

The Atari schematics for this game are nicely laid out, I deduced that the fault was in the Motion Object Horizontal Line buffer areas of the circuit. Again more probing around and Its was not clear what was wrong, I don't like shot gunning parts on a large scale, I like to know what is causing the faults, so I took a break from the logic probe and went for a visual inspection of the solder side of the board and then I noticed something....

Pins on a 74LS163 in the Horizontal line buffer section had been bent over and looked like they were tightly presses into a track from another pin. I used my multimeter in continuity mode and confirmed that some pine were shorted together. I uses a scalpel to lift the pins away from the track which they seemed to have been squashed into. Upon powering up the sprite issue had gone and the game was fully working.

The pins that were shorting were pins 1 (Reset/Clear), 2 (Clock), 3 (Input A) & 4 (Input B).
Note to self to save time in the future, begin board repairs with a good visual inspection especially if the board has been stored for years with an unknown history, anyway the board is work and I'm well chuffed.

Fully working Game images below.

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