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Topics - Wallace1200

Pages: [1]
Hi people. Been after these 2 little cabs for a while. I know it's unlikely but thought I'd ask anyways.

All the rest / Hello from Leeds
« on: March 28, 2015, 07:23:03 PM »
Hi people,

Thought I should say hello. Been on other forums for a little while just found his one. Been looking through some old posts and it looks cool here. I'm a complete newbie compared to you guys, just trying my best to teach myself the ins and outs.

I've got about 10 cabs, been collecting about 2 years.
I've got original pacman, donkey kong, asteroids, digdug in nice condition. I'm trying to fix up a few other cabs too. Trying to get to the point where I can strip down a cab into component parts and then rebuild it and it still works! That's my goal at least. Not going to do it on pacman though.

Anyways just a hello

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