Dragon's Lair Fans - Arcade Lifestyle

General Chat => Technical Area => Topic started by: DarthNuno on July 16, 2023, 06:06:39 PM

Title: Can this Zaccaria control panel plexi overlay be saved?
Post by: DarthNuno on July 16, 2023, 06:06:39 PM
Can this Zaccaria control panel plexi overlay be saved?  :arrow:


I think (hope) I could remove few of these surface scratches on the top of the plexi with the help of magic sponges... but my main concern are the 'bended' areas  :arrow:


I don't know what happened to that control panel! how the hell these deformations of the plastic were made? Fire or something!?  :shock: :shock: :shock:


Did you already tried to fix such damages?
Title: Re: Can this Zaccaria control panel plexi overlay be saved?
Post by: PaulSwan on July 16, 2023, 06:11:17 PM
Folks leaving their cigarettes resting there while they played back in the day :)

A heat gun on low can be used to soften the plastic and then use a weight to flatten it whilst it cools.

The burn damage, I 've only cleaned mine and not attempted anything more than that. Eventually I may go with a repro, but I'm OK leaving it as battle damage from a life well lived :)


Title: Re: Can this Zaccaria control panel plexi overlay be saved?
Post by: DarthNuno on July 16, 2023, 06:28:24 PM
Folks leaving their cigarettes resting there while they played back in the day :)

yeah it explains the damaged spots/yellow marks, but I don't thing cigarets can lead to a such damage on a so big area?  :arrow:


A heat gun on low can be used to soften the plastic and then use a weight to flatten it whilst it cools.

Yeah, I had that in mind too, but I only have an hair dryer  ::) Will it be hot enough? I'll give a try anyway  8)

The burn damage, I 've only cleaned mine and not attempted anything more than that. Eventually I may go with a repro, but I'm OK leaving it as battle damage from a life well lived :

Totally agree! I've seen repro but I would prefer the orignal one even  with battle damage. As I said, I guess I could reduce visual 'yellow' damages, but that is the bended plexi areas  that annoying the most  :-\
Title: Re: Can this Zaccaria control panel plexi overlay be saved?
Post by: PaulSwan on July 16, 2023, 07:04:39 PM
There were a lot of cigarettes rested in various places over several years :)

Never tried a hair dryer so I don't know if that's hot enough. On low, my heat gun is still a lot hotter than a hair dryer though.

Title: Re: Can this Zaccaria control panel plexi overlay be saved?
Post by: Digimon on July 17, 2023, 09:20:25 AM
Just use a heat gun, and fix the CPO with glas or metal plates to get real flat.

With sanding and polishing afterwards it will look nice (and original).

Title: Re: Can this Zaccaria control panel plexi overlay be saved?
Post by: DarthNuno on July 17, 2023, 06:16:17 PM
OK so I'm going to test it with an hair dryer as I do not have an heat gun.
I wedge my plate between 2 pieces of flat wood  :arrow:


I climb on it to give weight  :arrow:


But an hair dryer, as I imagined it, is not hot enough  :-[

Well, all I have here is a portable convector radiator  :arrow:


Impossible to remain myself on my knees in front of the radiator. So I use clamps  :arrow:


2 sessions of 20 minutes and here is the result  :arrow:


Hey, it's not too bad  :-* :-* :-*

But I've done a mistake, I tightened the clamps too tightly on one of the two sides of the plexi when it wasn't hot enough. This caused a crack!  :evil:  :arrow:


Whatever, I still plan to use it on my panel. This gives a little bit more history...  ;D


Next step, try to remove a little bit of these cigarets burns . I presume sandpaper will do the job (600 or higher grain) ?

Title: Re: Can this Zaccaria control panel plexi overlay be saved?
Post by: PaulSwan on July 17, 2023, 07:24:07 PM
It takes time to heat through, more time than you would think, until it becomes soft to the touch, basically like a rubber sheet. I usually use my fingers to press on it to get to approximately flat and then load it up with books to full flat. Doesn't need a lot of pressure when it's soft.