Dragon's Lair Fans - Arcade Lifestyle
General Chat => All the rest => Topic started by: Love on September 07, 2012, 01:15:14 PM
Zacc is bacc! :pac:
They still did not publish my pics from the cab. :-\
stop deleting topics Nuno
This is not North Korea over here
stop deleting topics Nuno
This is not North Korea over here
In short, I've just delete an other 'Dexter' thread-poisoning you've just write! If you really feel the need to give your opinion, add new elements or whatever on this, use this existing (https://www.dragonslairfans.com/smfor/index.php?topic=628.135) topic...
thread hijackinggggggggg
They still did not publish my pics from the cab. :-\
You should ask Muerto to provide them the pictures, he's the lucky guy they accept contributions ;)
They still did not publish my pics from the cab. :-\
You should ask Muerto to provide them the pictures, he's the lucky guy they accept contributions ;)
yeah!!! - jokes aside, but i´m golden.... loool!!!!