Dragon's Lair Fans - Arcade Lifestyle

General Chat => 'Business' Area : Buy/Sell/Trade => Topic started by: level42 on February 29, 2012, 02:04:28 PM

Title: Looking for Kortek KTM-20 monitor remote pots PCB and/or manual
Post by: level42 on February 29, 2012, 02:04:28 PM
Picked up a Kortek KTM-20 monitor yesterday. Stupidly I didnt look good enough and the remote potmeter pcb is missing. Without the pots the monitor is useless. Already asked the seller if he still has it but I fear its gone with the cab it used to be in.

So if anyone happens to have a remote pot pcb for this model that would be great.

Alternatively I could solder in new pots as there are spots for them but then I have to know the values so if anyone has a manual for this model....no need to look at the regular places, trust me I have searched all over the internet but maybe, just maybe someone has a paper copy ?

It is this chassis:
Title: Re: Looking for Kortek KTM-20 monitor remote pots PCB and/or manual
Post by: level42 on February 29, 2012, 02:11:26 PM
Of course if anyone has the same monitor it is also possible to examine the remote PCB to see what pot values there are on there so I can replicate from there...
Title: Re: Looking for Kortek KTM-20 monitor remote pots PCB and/or manual
Post by: Belike on February 29, 2012, 02:52:09 PM
Link does not work. ???
Title: Re: Looking for Kortek KTM-20 monitor remote pots PCB and/or manual
Post by: Belike on February 29, 2012, 03:01:29 PM
I have a 1710, if the remote pcb is the same, you can check the values here ;):

Title: Re: Looking for Kortek KTM-20 monitor remote pots PCB and/or manual
Post by: level42 on March 01, 2012, 12:17:45 AM
Thanks buddy but that one looks very different....

Now the fun part....did some googling on Kortek KTN-20 (instead of KTM) and looky what I found:


So.....I have also a KTN somewhere ;) ;) Now if only I remembered in what cab I put it (I "think" it's the Joust....) LOL !
Title: Re: Looking for Kortek KTM-20 monitor remote pots PCB and/or manual
Post by: level42 on March 01, 2012, 12:37:57 AM
Well I found they are still in (LCD) business so I figured I'd just drop them a mail. If they won't respond I'm going to chase them like nuts ;)

Site here: http://www.kortek.co.kr/
Title: Re: Looking for Kortek KTM-20 monitor remote pots PCB and/or manual
Post by: Etienne MacGyver on March 01, 2012, 06:40:35 AM
Thanks buddy but that one looks very different....

Now the fun part....did some googling on Kortek KTN-20 (instead of KTM) and looky what I found:


So.....I have also a KTN somewhere ;) ;) Now if only I remembered in what cab I put it (I "think" it's the Joust....) LOL !

i am 99% sure its in your joust  ;D
Title: Re: Looking for Kortek KTM-20 monitor remote pots PCB and/or manual
Post by: level42 on March 01, 2012, 10:04:28 AM
Yeah I think so too !! And its a great monitor !!

The KTM-20 and KTN-20 were clearly aimed to be drop in replacements for Hantarex monitors. They have the same connectors and even have the same neckboard protection at the back.

Well, Im pretty sure we put the pot PCB in the coin door so it wont be too hard to get it out and have a look :)
Title: Re: Looking for Kortek KTM-20 monitor remote pots PCB and/or manual
Post by: Etienne MacGyver on March 01, 2012, 11:41:38 AM
Many times my memory serves me well, but that part i cannot remember..
I am not sure its there..
I do remember that it was a monitor that could be connected straight to the 220 mains
Title: Re: Looking for Kortek KTM-20 monitor remote pots PCB and/or manual
Post by: level42 on March 01, 2012, 10:45:00 PM
Well.....this shows we are getting old my friend....

I just checked and there is a beautiful Hantarex Polo in there :) :) :)

I think that's too far off from the Kortek to trust the pot PCB (which is on the monitor by the way).

My hope is at Rorsach since he has a KTN-20 which I think is close enough....
Title: Re: Looking for Kortek KTM-20 monitor remote pots PCB and/or manual
Post by: Etienne MacGyver on March 02, 2012, 07:52:11 AM
i thought you took out that monitor from a kortek box ??

did that one end up in another game then ? or was it a hanta in a kortek box ???

we are indeed getting old...
Title: Re: Looking for Kortek KTM-20 monitor remote pots PCB and/or manual
Post by: level42 on March 02, 2012, 08:33:00 AM
Yes I did have another Kortek which I bought from Robbie in Lelystad, that one was NIB and NOS !
I <think> it is in the Galaxian....
There used to be a TV via SCART in there but it didnt work 100% on Galaxian (it did when it was still in the Centipede).

The only other monitor replacement I did was on the Ms.Pac and thats one of the "Irish" NOS/NIB Wells Gardners....so the Kortek must be in the Galaxian....

Why didnt I think about that last night ? Oh I remember, I actually played all my working games last night !!!

Gee I know the Hanatex Polo doesnt have a very good reputation when its having problems, but boy does it look brilliant in the Joust :)

will check tonight....
Title: Re: Looking for Kortek KTM-20 monitor remote pots PCB and/or manual
Post by: Rorsach on March 02, 2012, 10:58:01 AM
I've made a few photos of the breakout board on my Kortek, but tehy're no values on the pots:

Title: Re: Looking for Kortek KTM-20 monitor remote pots PCB and/or manual
Post by: level42 on March 02, 2012, 11:37:23 AM
Looks like the number of pins is correct, and there is a blocked "key" pin second from the right, right ?
Title: Re: Looking for Kortek KTM-20 monitor remote pots PCB and/or manual
Post by: level42 on October 21, 2012, 09:21:07 PM
BUMP !!!
Title: Re: Looking for Kortek KTM-20 monitor remote pots PCB and/or manual
Post by: level42 on February 18, 2013, 10:19:34 PM
Well wattayaknow.....looky what I just found (while cleaning up the attic.....yes):

(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8392/8487224272_4330ce941e_b.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/level_42/8487224272/)
Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/level_42/8487224272/) by Level_42 (http://www.flickr.com/people/level_42/), on Flickr

(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8228/8486133117_04c35cd6cf_b.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/level_42/8486133117/)
Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/level_42/8486133117/) by Level_42 (http://www.flickr.com/people/level_42/), on Flickr

It has a different set-up of pots compared to Rorsach (where is he by the way ?) posted but the number of pins is correct AND the key=pin is the same
Anyway, all I have to do now it to check the traces on this one and compare where they go on the monitor....
I think that's a better way than just plugging it in, turn it on and watch the fireworks ;)