Dragon's Lair Fans - Arcade Lifestyle
General Chat => Electronic HandHeld Games & Vintage Toys, Home Consoles & Computers => Topic started by: Russ J on January 14, 2012, 03:41:46 PM
Not sure if they are frowned upon on DLF but i picked one up at a carboot fair a few years back all in working order with the slight exception of the controller joystick,its a bit 'buggered' but still does work.It had a few games with it all boxed with the plastic screen covers.Its in my loft at the moment i'll get it down and take a few photos of it.Also got an Atari 2600 as well (did have the original 'woody' as a kid but thats long since gone) with my 2600 i've a few game cartridges (can't remember what now) and i paid the 'handsome price' of £10 sterling (bought it off my wifes friend about 10 years ago 8))
Always loved the game 'Adventure' on it but haven't got that one now though.Also liked (despite it not being that popular at the time) Raiders Of The Lost Ark 8) also like the 'E.T.' game as well :oops: yes it was shite and did help in the demise of the Atari home console but i liked it :lol:
Cool catch!
After years of lurking on ebay and stuff I finally found a Vectrex last week too.
It's working perfectly and came with 8 games and 2 controllers.
It immediately sent me back to that christmas morning around 1982 when I ...didn't receive it :lol:.
... and I don't blame my parents at all: it was super expensive and I was only a kid.
But now: I get high just by watching it on the desk of my office, even if it's not turned on ;D
Last week I changed the plastic overlay everyday and pretended to be surprised every time I walked into the room: "my god ANOTHER new game! I'm sooo spoiled!"
...sometimes I have to admit that money CAN buy happiness!
i never had one as a kid always wanted one though with the hope that Starwars would be released on it with that using vector graphics...I used to go to a huge toy store (pre- Toys'R'us) called 'The Jolly Giant' in Leeds as they had them there to 'play test'....got told off many a time by the staff as i had no intention of buying one (i were only 12 at the time though so what the hell did they expect :lol:)
Nice topic! Listen my story about the Vectex :
That system was already pretty expensive at the time, and my parents didn't want to spend so much money for that. In addition I already had so many 'game' systems at home, so they said 'no' for that one.
Few years later after the release of the Vectrex (when that system wasn't 'hype' anymore) someone from my school told me when wanted to sell it for a very nice price...so I bought it the next Saturday... and the day after, the same guy came to my house ... with his parents! They were NOT happy he sold that! They give me my money back and they got back the Vectrex! In addition, my parents were furious on me because I didn't tell them I spend so many money without telling them first (remember I was a teenager)!
So I owned a Vectrex ONE day ;D Of course now I own TWO and I really love that system! I use to bring it with me on arcade/pinball exhibitions, in order to show the public what is a vector monitor ;)
:lol: Thats a great story Bruno.I had a similer thing but not with a games console...it was with a load of Action Man toys and Evil Kneival toys as well.A mate of mine (when we were at school it would have been around 1980) was really mad for (get this) Marbles :roll: i had loads of Marbles at the time (one of the old large sweet glass jars full) and he badly wanted them.I wanted Action toys so he agreed to swap his Action Man AND Evil Knieval toys for this jar of marbles.Of course his parents didn't no anything about it until the lads young brother grassed him up to his Mum & Dad and they frogged marched him round to my house to swap back :lol:
Happy times 8)