Dragon's Lair Fans - Arcade Lifestyle

General Chat => Arcade Lifestyle => Topic started by: DarthNuno on October 21, 2011, 04:15:34 PM

Title: [Read first] : Problem to register on DLF/ALS?
Post by: DarthNuno on October 21, 2011, 04:15:34 PM
Dragon's Lair Fans / Arcade Life Style receives a dozen spam registrations a day. It's hard to tell who's a real person and who's a spambot.

For this reason, the best and quickest way to register for the forum:

1) Complete the normal registration process, then
2) Send an email to webmaster {at} dragonslairfans {dot} com, explaining that you're a human being and would like to register. Usually I can approve your registration within a day, or, during normal hours, within minutes to an hour.

You may ask why to register maybe? Well, firstly to interact with our community, but also to have access to our famous (hidden) 'business/market' area.

Welcome on board  :)

Darth Nuno