Dragon's Lair Fans - Arcade Lifestyle
General Chat => Electronic HandHeld Games & Vintage Toys, Home Consoles & Computers => Topic started by: gyruss on February 10, 2011, 12:06:23 PM
Great read with some nice pictures!
Excellent stuff, highly recommended! ;D
Thanks for sharing.
Nice link :-* :-* Thanks!!!
Intersting reading , Thanks !
They got lot's of great interviews. I wonder if they will ever cover the arcade past of nintendo. They seem to ignore that part of their history a bit.
Puh, so does Nintendo do themselves !!!
Which is a crying shame IMHO !!
In 2010 they celebrated the 25th birthday of Mario.....HARUMPFHHHH!!!!
Mario was "born" in 1981 !!! So he's 30 now !!!
My niece had the "All stars" re-issue for the Wii the one that came with an extra disk with Mario music and also a nice booklet about Mario's history....
Not ONE WORD about his arcade past.
I personally have a feeling that Nintendo feels that arcade games are "dirty" for today's people and that that is why they ignore it....
Here, see this, it says enough....
according to that Nintendo's history starts at 1985 !! :evil: :evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted:
The technical stuff is very interesting. Fun to see the game play is limited by a calculator chip that only drives 72 digits!
I wonder what they did with the VFD games. Do they use a similar chip, or is it easier to matrix pins with VFD displays. Some of my Entex games have over 200 sprites, where they are older than most Game & Watch titles.
Not ONE WORD about his arcade past.
This article http://gdri.smspower.org/wiki/index.php/Company:Ikegami_Tsushinki may explain it a bit. Intersting read anyway.
Holy F.....never knew that ! Yes that MUST be it !
So....Nintendo illegally copied 80.000 DK boards !!!!!!!! HAH !!! Gotta remember that "borrowing" games between eachother in Japan was pretty common in those days...and Nintendo was "just another" small arcade game manufacturer....
All of a sudden, I also understand why Nintendo is not hunting down products like D2K !!! They just don't have the bloody copyright at all !!!!! Wahaaa !!
Thanks for that Laschek !!
Yes but what about the Mario Bros cab?
They definitely had the copyright for that one didn't they?
maybe that's indeed the problem. But like chris says, what about the other cabinets?
Does anybody of you print or save this article?
They removed it :oops:
Wrong thread...
Wrong thread...
I dont see the article neither anymore..
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