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General Chat => Electronic HandHeld Games & Vintage Toys, Home Consoles & Computers => Topic started by: Blanka on December 11, 2010, 11:46:38 AM

Title: Dead Crazy Monster
Post by: Blanka on December 11, 2010, 11:46:38 AM
Just bought a Crazy Monster by Epoch for cheap as the seller knew it was dead. Normally I have dead games up and running in a few minutes, but this one is tougher. From what I read is that most games are dead because of a polarity error made when connecting the adapter. So I was writing out the schematics to analyse the board, but I have a problem identifying some components.


S03 is a C945 transistor. Is it possible that not all C945's have the same pinouts?
S02 says K471. What is that? Can't find any transistor like that in RS-online
The round TX-29 3-5 thing seems to be a transformer to create the high voltage for the VFD. Is there any documentation on these circular ones? I only can find the more traditional square hole-mount transformers. Does anybody know how to read the numbers?

What component is O1?
How to interpret the 3-digit codes on small capacitors?
How to read the diodes. Do the red, white and black rings mean anything? Any way to find out their values?
Title: Re: Dead Crazy Monster
Post by: Blanka on December 11, 2010, 11:52:47 AM
Here another one with the PCB paths superimposed.

Anybody an idea what component could be dead?
The red wire indicates the +6V from the adapter, the line with C01 ontop of it is the ground wire.
Title: Re: Dead Crazy Monster
Post by: liquidx on December 11, 2010, 02:36:35 PM
that TX29 thing might be a ferrite core.

I'm rushing ou the door now so can't search but a good trick is to search for the component marking + the word "datasheet", that gets you more results than a search in RS or places like that.

Title: Re: Dead Crazy Monster
Post by: Blanka on February 19, 2011, 11:36:44 AM
Woohoo! Got it working again. The K471 was dead.
Thanks to the good old DOS program Torbase I was able to find a non Japanese replacement part: the BC635. 75cts/5 at RS, a little soldering and it works perfectly again.
Title: Re: Dead Crazy Monster
Post by: Etienne MacGyver on February 19, 2011, 01:56:55 PM
Congrats on the fix !
Title: Re: Dead Crazy Monster
Post by: Q*ris on February 19, 2011, 02:15:34 PM