Dragon's Lair Fans - Arcade Lifestyle
General Chat => Electronic HandHeld Games & Vintage Toys, Home Consoles & Computers => Topic started by: Blanka on December 11, 2010, 11:46:38 AM
Just bought a Crazy Monster by Epoch for cheap as the seller knew it was dead. Normally I have dead games up and running in a few minutes, but this one is tougher. From what I read is that most games are dead because of a polarity error made when connecting the adapter. So I was writing out the schematics to analyse the board, but I have a problem identifying some components.
S03 is a C945 transistor. Is it possible that not all C945's have the same pinouts?
S02 says K471. What is that? Can't find any transistor like that in RS-online
The round TX-29 3-5 thing seems to be a transformer to create the high voltage for the VFD. Is there any documentation on these circular ones? I only can find the more traditional square hole-mount transformers. Does anybody know how to read the numbers?
What component is O1?
How to interpret the 3-digit codes on small capacitors?
How to read the diodes. Do the red, white and black rings mean anything? Any way to find out their values?
Here another one with the PCB paths superimposed.
Anybody an idea what component could be dead?
The red wire indicates the +6V from the adapter, the line with C01 ontop of it is the ground wire.
that TX29 thing might be a ferrite core.
I'm rushing ou the door now so can't search but a good trick is to search for the component marking + the word "datasheet", that gets you more results than a search in RS or places like that.
Woohoo! Got it working again. The K471 was dead.
Thanks to the good old DOS program Torbase I was able to find a non Japanese replacement part: the BC635. 75cts/5 at RS, a little soldering and it works perfectly again.
Congrats on the fix !