Dragon's Lair Fans - Arcade Lifestyle
General Chat => Arcade Lifestyle => Topic started by: Superully on March 11, 2010, 09:31:20 AM
as you might know, i'm trying to get a small collection of the most important classic b/w games together. here's what i've got so far:
- DEATH RACE (the first video game ever to get banned)
- GRAN TRAK 10 (the first driving game ever)
- NIGHT DRIVER (first first-person driving game)
i would add the following games to the b/w must-have list:
and MANEATER simply because of the beauty of the cabinet:
same goes for REBOUND:
chances are OK to get a pong or a computer space, but i guess getting my hands on a maneater or a rebound is beyond possible.
is there anything i have forgotten / you would add to the list - now it's your time ;D
btw, b/w vector games don't count ;)
A few of the coolest looking classic cabs IMO are:
- Space Race
- Jaws
- Galaxy Game (http://ed-thelen.org/comp-hist/vs-comp-rec-galaxy-game.html), estimated value $20000!
Make that B/W raster games, or you'll get a good list of b/w vector games :)
a few days ago i saw a dominoes for free ;)
chances are OK to get a pong or a computer space,
:shock: :shock: Good luck finding a original arcade PONG. No way dude...
Prices are going +$5000 for a working version. I have searched and searched for years but never found a payable one.
b/w vector games don't count ;)
@level42: THEY DON'T COUNT!!! ;) otherwise i would have a looong list ...
what don't we start another must-have b/w vector games list in another thread?
:shock: :shock: Good luck finding a original arcade PONG. No way dude...
Prices are going +$5000 for a working version. I have searched and searched for years but never found a payable one.
i disagree! i've been talking in another post about the pong i didn't buy a couple of moths ago. it went for around 1200 dollars, including shipping it would have come to a total of around 2000 dollars. the machine was in good working condition with all the original parts. unfortunately, it was out of my league back then!
i'm SURE i will own an original PONG one day. i wanted to build one myself (already have the wood, the control panel and a tv), but scratch-built is simply not original - no matter how well it is executed. i have the deepest respect for people like scr33n or muerto who can build an arcade cabinet easily, but ATM i wouldn't do it. ask me again in a few years ... ;)
A few of the coolest looking classic cabs IMO are:
- Space Race
- Jaws
- Galaxy Game (http://ed-thelen.org/comp-hist/vs-comp-rec-galaxy-game.html), estimated value $20000!
of course, how could i forget? SPACE RACE in that incredible fiberglass cabinet:
Super Bug, because it's suppsosed to be the first game with a scrolling playfield (plus it's a fun game).
Plus it's "sister game" Fire Truck, the 2 player version, because it's a damn cool cab :)
Fire Truck, the 2 player version, because it's a damn cool cab :)
MMM.. I don't like. Like an ancient Steampunk try. Steampunk sucks, this heads to much in that direction IMO.
Wow! That one is supercool!. Was not even thinking of that one myself. I already liked the regular cab.
I would like to add a Pong to my collection :P
Sea Wolf, if you have the space.
That game used to fascinate me as a kid. I needed a little pedestal to stand on to reach it too :)
We all forgot one of the best:
Guess what? ;-)
I have a Rebound.
who would have guessed ;)
but let's see: do you also have a maneater?
but let's see: do you also have a maneater?
Sure, she's on the pics of our UK road-trip thread ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
"Oh-ho here she comes... " another great 80's song ! :D
but let's see: do you also have a maneater?
Sure, she's on the pics of our UK road-trip thread ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
where? btw, maneater definitely is NOT a she :twisted:
no offence ully , but you dont get it ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D
hereĀ“s a hint ully ;)
stupid me 8)
No Maneater.
By the way, did you see there's a GOTCHA on ebay.de?
By the way, did you see there's a GOTCHA on ebay.de?
spoiler ;) sure i did! 8)
By the way, did you see there's a GOTCHA on ebay.de?
spoiler ;) sure i did! 8)
So did you buy it, Ully?
no, did you? ;)
although i think the price is really good, the game is NOT on my must-have list and NOT an absolute classic. i'm not even sure whether the pcb is reparable or not and finding a working one will be a challenge. if it had been a rebound, i would have bid a little bit more. btw, andreas (speleo) didn't win it either, no idea who did!
No, I didn't win it either, I thought the price went much too high ;D
i have added a "new" game to my classic b/w collection :-*
i like that button on the marquee which says "press to clear highscore!"
apart from the beat-up base, the cabinet is in ok condition (it also has the step for smaller people, but i had to remove it in order to fit the cabinet into my car - this game is huuuge :shock:!!! it is by far the tallest game in my collection, even bigger that berzerk. the seller couldn't believe that we managed to get it into my car and i could still close the trunk deck - my car is a phenomenon when it comes to transporting cabs)
the artwork is pretty much there, but can definitely use a good scrubbing
don't you just l-o-v-e that artwork?
as you can see, the typical rust on the periscope's handles
unfortunately, the monitor has been damaged, BUT i know a german collector who has parted out a completely water- and wood worm-damaged battlezone cabinet and who kindly agreed to give me all the parts he salvaged FOR FREE ;D
you can see that a part of the base has broken off (however, i have that plank set aside to reattach it later)
the following picture basically shows everything that's left of the cabinet's back - the door is missing entirely :'(
although the cabinet could be in better condition, i'm extremely happy with my latest catch. it was listed as "u-boat game" on ebay with no mentioning of "midway" or "sea wolf", so i got it for cheap :)
Nice catch Ully, that's a really rare cabinet! ;D
I saw something similar about 25 years ago in Hungary! ;D
I saw something similar about 25 years ago in Hungary! ;D
this is even older: 34 years - one of the oldest game in my collection!
Congrats on Seawolf, great game & cab!
But be careful with scrubbing the sideart, don't get it too wet as the paint might crack. This kind of sideart is rather sensitive to liquids (same on many EM games).
Monitor: Battlezone tube might work, but you can't use the chassis (vector).
Yep that was what I was thinking....always good to have a vector chassis around though ;)
I like it. Exactly the kind of games that I used to play when I took my first steps in the "arcade" on the camping grounds in Zeeland.
I think Jukeboxshop still has one or two of these still available.
But be careful with scrubbing the sideart, don't get it too wet as the paint might crack. This kind of sideart is rather sensitive to liquids (same on many EM games).
thx, i'll be totally careful, because i can already see the paint / wood cracking. man, if i didn't have to drag all those machines up here, i'd be probably running 20 restorations simultaneously (and get lost in the parts ;)). let's see if i can find get a replacement tube for this ...
Very nice Ully, this is a rare cab. And once it had the 'superUlly' treatment, it will be shiny and like new again, won't it?
You said that you had to get the cab by car, does that mean that we can expect a road trip?
Very nice Ully, this is a rare cab. And once it had the 'superUlly' treatment, it will be shiny and like new again, won't it?
You said that you had to get the cab by car, does that mean that we can expect a road trip?
Niceone ully !
i was wondering the same thing erik ;D
And once it had the 'superUlly' treatment, it will be shiny and like new again, won't it?
this one is going to be difficult because of the elaborate artwork and the cracking wood - i'd so much like to tackle some of my b/w games for restoration, but i guess it'll have to wait until i've found my new home.
You said that you had to get the cab by car, does that mean that we can expect a road trip?
indeed, there was a roadtrip involved here, but since i was alone, the seller was in a total hurry and noone was there to take pictures (although the loading process with the removal of the wooden step and our trials to get this cabinet into my car were spectacular), there simply is nothing great to show. it was one of those: hop in, drive over, load up, drive back, unload roadtrips! i was in a hurry myself, because i had to drop off the keys at my old school for a final meeting with the principal (make that EX). sorry guys!
That's a beautiful cabinet ullly. I think those periscope games are quite cool. Would love to play one again someday.
.... because i had to drop off the keys at my old school for a final meeting with the principal (make that EX).
So you switched school? Didn't have enough holidays, did you? :lol: :lol:
So you switched school? Didn't have enough holidays, did you? :lol: :lol:
yes, i did. managed to get a job at the school in my hometown, which means i can walk to school now and don't have to lose 2 hours on the road each day :) plus i'll also be working 7 school hours more each week which - if you do the math - means more money in the end! unfortunately, holidays stay the same ;)
More money but less time to restore ;)
Congrats, so this is a "steady" job now ?
More money but less time to restore ;)
absolutely, especially since i'll have to work in a system i haven't worked for two years now, which means i have to adapt to both the pupils and the topics. i'll learn tomorrow which subjects i have to teach, might be something else than english and geography. i'm a little bit nervous :-[
Congrats, so this is a "steady" job now ?
not quite, just another contract for one year BUT things are looking really good for a permanent position after that!
i'll learn tomorrow which subjects i have to teach, might be something else than english and geography. i'm a little bit nervous :-[
Maybe you're lucky and it's woodworking ;D ;)
Congratulations and good luck for today, Ully! ;)
thx to "time pilot" toralf i have managed to add another must-have b/w game to my collection - and it is a REAL CLASSIC :arrow:
here's the story behind it: a couple of weeks ago i was contaced by toralf if i would be interested in a midway space invaders. of course i was! :P.
he was interested in one of my cabs and so we agreed on a trade (i gave him some extra money because of the iconic status of space invaders). the problem is that toralf lives in the far north and i'm located in the far south. fortunately, luck was on our side! my brother was about to move from berlin (northern germany) down south (about 50 kilometers from my place) and he had hired a moving company from "down here" to transport his stuff. so i got in touch with them and asked them if they could transport my cab to berlin where it would be exchanged for another one (toralf's space invaders) to be taken back south again. "the only thing" toralf had to do was pick up the space invaders (i very long roadtrip in itself), transport it to berlin on the day of my brother's move and exchange the two cabinets.
great effort, toralf, thx again for that!
my task was much simpler: transport my game to the moving company and pick up the space invaders from my brother's place a couple of days later! 8)
fortunately, everything worked out as planned!!! :spaceace: :spaceace: :spaceace:
here are a couple more pics that toralf sent me back then :arrow:
replacement control panel already on its way to germany
at first glance the condition seems to be ok
but as always it has the usual battle scars which will have to be touched up!
the same thing on the right side
what worries me the most is the fact that it has a wood worm at the bottom part of the cabinet. the seller told toralf that the wood worm is dead, but toralf said that he had a small pile of wood dust on his floor. when i unloaded the cab, parts of the wood at the bottom broke off :'(. i definitely need to look into this fast! does anyone have experience with wood worms?
inside, everything is present and clean
and before you ask, here's the answer :) :arrow:
thx again to toralf for making this possible!!! :-*
A real classic ! congrats !
and a good way of transporting also :spaceace:
Congratulation! Very nice condition :)
An absolute 'must have' 8)
Oh yes, what a sweet sight! a pure mustbuy/have/restore/play.
And I'm sure you'll have fun touching up the artwork, especially when the time will comes to do the little black splatters ;)
most of my collection is B/W but i've been lucky.
To say the truth some of my raster B/W cabinets are italian versions or bootleg (I suppose), like CRASH, PALLAVOLO (ATARI VOLLEYBALL), INVASION (SIDAM SPACE INVADERS). I'd like to find a space invaders and a poong too and, why not? a Computer Space :D .
About vector B/W i've several cabs but one of hem is in italian :) yes SPACE WARS under licence VECORBEAMS has the control panel completely in italian.