Dragon's Lair Fans - Arcade Lifestyle
General Chat => All the rest => Topic started by: jcp on October 08, 2009, 06:42:43 PM
Hello everybody,
First, thanks to DarthNuno : a very nice forum :spaceace:.
Second, a little introduction : I'm a machine arcades child (born in the early 70's !) and since last two years, i have been in the arcade world : pcbs (nearly twenty) and four arcade machines (classic games from the end of the 70's to the end of the 80's are my interest area).
Otherwise, I'm member of J+, Klov, Gamoover, Insertcoins.net etc ...
welcome to this forum JPC :spaceace:
which classic games do you own? everyone here is interested in pics ... ;)
Hi Jean-Christophe and welcome here :-*
Hope you'll enjoy this board too :-*
like ully said, we want pics! ;D
Thanks for the warm welcome ;).
A few pics of my games :
:o Your blue Hang-On 'Limited Edition' is totally awesome :o :arrow:
I love it :-* :-* :-*
Thanks for the pics :-* :-* :-*
Wow! - i love deticated cabs!, and your Buggy Boy cab isent on KLOV :!:
maby you should take a few pictures of it and send it to them..
Oh my God! Yes.... That Buggy Boy :o :-* :-* :-*
I used to play that triple screens version, but wait ... I also remember to be on a seat? And you version seems to an upright version, without a seat? Strange.
The last time I played on that wonderful game was few months ago, in the ArcadeFever's game room (Miami) :arrow:
thx for the pics, looks like you're a fan of racing games ;)
A warm welcome here dude
An other french gamoover membre :)
Welcome :)
By the way i forgot to present myself. :oops:
welcome & nice pics ! :ghost: :ghost: :ghost:
About the questions :
Muerto : I've already sent pictures to KLOV, but ... the pictures don't be in the Speed Buggy datasheet :-\.
I have a few pictures in my profile too, cf here (http://forums.arcade-museum.com/album.php?albumid=133).
Nuno : I know that there is a rear part (cf TAFA (http://www.arcadeflyers.com/?page=flyer&db=videodb&id=3238&image=1)), but, badly, it was trashed ... however as the playing position is almost standing up, it doesn't matter (It seems to be like Crazy Taxi cab driving position).
Welcome Aboard!! ;D
Very Nice Collection! I've never seen a Blue Hang On... Ever! Awesome! ;D
Welcome jcp and you're right, 3-screen tatsumi games are the best ;)
Wow.. look at all those sega racers, what a great collection.
Hey, a fellow Power Drift upright owner. Yours looks much better than mine though (I don't even have side-art) but I'm not complaining as I got it for free (well in trade for some labour in fact).
Love the blue Hang-On ! And the Buggy Boy is great too.
Welcome !!
Thanks to all (there are a few members that I already know by the way) !
Level42 (hum, a well known rock band in the eighties ...), for me, Power Drift is always fun to play (and never boring) : a good choice.
About the side art, I will send to Zorg a file that can interest you ;).
Another picture (a good game to play in order to keep warm the last cold week-end) :
ps : since yesterday, I have been 1st in the South circuit in Buggy Boy 8) (Yes, I know : nobody cares :arrow:).
For information, in the last Retro Gamer Issue, 8 pages regarding Super Hang-On... features the famous 'Blue' Limited Edition ;) :arrow:
I love this mag' :-*
Thanks for the information Bruno, I will order this issue as soon as possible :spaceace:.
Maybe it's Bods's one ?
Otherwise, my Monaco GP is nearly fully working (timer is not ok) :
(http://img1.uplood.fr/free/thumbnails/bjbn_img_1862.jpg) (http://www.uplood.fr/visu.php?url=http://img1.uplood.fr/free/bjbn_img_1862.jpg) (http://img1.uplood.fr/free/thumbnails/yaaq_img_1864.jpg) (http://www.uplood.fr/visu.php?url=http://img1.uplood.fr/free/yaaq_img_1864.jpg)
My EM pinball is ok too (very fun machine) :
(http://img1.uplood.fr/free/thumbnails/v1hs_img_1936.jpg) (http://www.uplood.fr/visu.php?url=http://img1.uplood.fr/free/v1hs_img_1936.jpg)
Next step : Buggy Boy (third monitor and red color in the central one) :-*
(http://img1.uplood.fr/free/thumbnails/ee12_img_1950.jpg) (http://www.uplood.fr/visu.php?url=http://img1.uplood.fr/free/ee12_img_1950.jpg)
edit : ok, it's the number 77 (see the topic thread here (http://www.retrogamer.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=21743)).
Well, a new Sega racer has been added to the collection ;D : Super Monaco GP :spaceace:.
Well, a new Sega racer has been added to the collection ;D : Super Monaco GP :spaceace:.
Road trip?
I have done the roadtrip alone (last sunday, wake up at 4h, 5h->20h on the road, 1000km) and I hadn't enough time to take photos.
Sweet collection :) and welcome :D
I have done the roadtrip alone (last sunday, wake up at 4h, 5h->20h on the road, 1000km) and I hadn't enough time to take photos.
aahhrrrr a roadtrip without pictures :twisted: :evil:
Just kidding ofcourse ;D
Welcome here you lucky blue bike rider! ;D
nice catch, was this the one for sale on ebay germany?
Thanks to all ;).
Ully : that's the one.
Strange : why is there a Stern Galaxy pinball picture in the first page :shock: ?
Well, an interesting finding :
(http://img2.uplood.fr/free/thumbnails/enxb_mc2.jpg) (http://uplood.fr/visu.php?url=http://img2.uplood.fr/free/enxb_mc2.jpg) (http://img2.uplood.fr/free/thumbnails/14d9_mc1.jpg) (http://uplood.fr/visu.php?url=http://img2.uplood.fr/free/14d9_mc1.jpg) (http://img2.uplood.fr/free/thumbnails/dd58_mc3.jpg) (http://uplood.fr/visu.php?url=http://img2.uplood.fr/free/dd58_mc3.jpg) (http://img2.uplood.fr/free/thumbnails/xwkb_mc4.jpg) (http://uplood.fr/visu.php?url=http://img2.uplood.fr/free/xwkb_mc4.jpg)
A bit of work for sure :lol: !
wonderful! where / how did you find that? what's missing inside - the pcb? anything else?
In fact, I've got it from a pinballs collector (0€ : the right price) who left it outside for a long time (and without love of course :evil:).
Not really a roadtrip too : it was very near my gameroom !
Of course, all is to be rebuild, but time and cabs parts are available, so I will have a go!
Except the back door, there is nothing missing (I've got two pcbs, in a very very very bad condition), but all the metal parts are oxided, the plexiglasses are broken ...
What ? In revenge I will put my Judge Dredd outside for a couple of weeks, those darn pinball lovers.......!
Uhmmmm, not really of course ;D ;D ;D
André, you should : that pinball has no bumper :lol:.
So ? It's still a very fun pin...
I really enjoy it....even without the pop-bumpers...(good for the neighbors too ;) )
Well, an interesting finding :
(http://img2.uplood.fr/free/thumbnails/enxb_mc2.jpg) (http://uplood.fr/visu.php?url=http://img2.uplood.fr/free/enxb_mc2.jpg) (http://img2.uplood.fr/free/thumbnails/14d9_mc1.jpg) (http://uplood.fr/visu.php?url=http://img2.uplood.fr/free/14d9_mc1.jpg) (http://img2.uplood.fr/free/thumbnails/dd58_mc3.jpg) (http://uplood.fr/visu.php?url=http://img2.uplood.fr/free/dd58_mc3.jpg) (http://img2.uplood.fr/free/thumbnails/xwkb_mc4.jpg) (http://uplood.fr/visu.php?url=http://img2.uplood.fr/free/xwkb_mc4.jpg)
A bit of work for sure :lol: !
Woooowwww awesome cab and great game !!! :-* :-* :-*
Congrats :spaceace: :spaceace:
It takes more than a few nights outside to beat an old soldier like this one :)
You're very lucky, congrats! Please bring it back to life!